Noun Clause
1. Pengertian Noun Clause is a dependent clause that takes the place of any noun in the sentence, whether they are subjects, objects, or subject complements. Noun Clause terbagi menjadi 4 kelompok 1. Noun Clause sebagai Subject - what Dinda wrote suprised her boyfriend - what she is telling is unreasonable -whoever thought of your isra is very briliant -What l have is very important - what anis did shocked hai friends - That she worked hard for the whole pleased her parents - Hendra didn’t know where her girlfriend was going to go until the day came. - She was saddened by what she had read. NC as subject - When father comes is not known yet. - How you become popular makes some people so curious. 2. Noun Clause sebagai object - When the actor saves the actress from the accident is the most touching scene...