Review text

 Rizavatmi, S.Pd 

Rizavatmi, S.Pd ( Guru B. Inggris SMA Negeri 1 Matauli Pandan)

Kamis, 02 Februari 2023

UNIT 8 KEGIATAN BELAJAR M A N D I R I ( U K B M ) (Kode UKBM 3.8 dan 4.8) Review Text



(Kode UKBM 3.8 dan 4.8)

1.              Identitas

a.                Nama Mata Pelajaran    : BAHASA DAN SASTRA INGGRIS

b.               Semester                            : VI

c.                               Materi Pokok                      : REVIEW

d.               Alokasi Waktu                   : 4JP

e.               Kompetensi Dasar           : KD 3.8/ 3.8

3.8  Membedakan fungsi sosial, struktur teks,

dan unsur kebahasaan  beberapa teks ulasan (review) lisan dan tulis dengan

memberi dan meminta penilaian terkait film/buku/cerita, sesuai dengan

konteks penggunaannya

4.8  Menangkap makna secara kontekstual terkait fungsi sosial, struktur teks, 

dan unsur kebahasaan teks ulasan (review),lisan dan tulis, terkait


f. Tujuan Pembelajaran                :

Melalui pendekatan saintifik dengan menggunakan model pembelajaran, tanya jawab, penugasan, presentasi dan analisis, kalian dapat membedakan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan  beberapa teks ulasan (review) lisan dan tulis dengan memberi dan meminta penilaian terkait film/buku/cerita, sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya.dan dapat menangkap makna secara kontekstual terkait fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan teks ulasan (review),lisan dan tulis, terkait film/buku/cerita, dengan mengembangkan sikap religius, penuh tanggung jawab, bekerja keras, serta dapat mengembangkan kemampuan berpikir kritis, kreativitas, kolaborasi, komunikasi (4C).

g. Materi Pembelajaran               : Buku Teks Pelajaran (BTP) PEMERINTAH

a.              Petunjuk Umum

1.      Pastikan dan fokuskan apa yang akan anda pelajari hari ini.

2.      Baca dan pahami Pendahuluan (Apersepsi) untuk membantu anda memfokuskan   permasalahan yang akan dipelajari

3.      Cari referensi/buku-buku teks yang terkait dengan topik/permasalahan yang anda hadapi.

4.      Jangan lupa browsing internet untuk menda-patkan pengetahuan yang up to date.

5.      Selalu diskusikan setiap persoalan yang ada dengan teman-teman dan atau guru.

6.    Presentasikan hasil pemahaman anda agar bermanfaat bagi orang lain.


Jika tahapan-tahapan telah kalian lewati, kalian boleh meminta tes formatif kepada Bp/Ibu guru sebagai prasyarat untuk melanjutkan ke UKBM berikutnya. Oke

2.       Peta konsep

3.              Kegiatan Pembelajaran

a.              Pendahuluan

       Sebelum belajar pada materi ini silahkan kalian pahami gambar di bawah ini.

Untuk dapat menyelesaikan persoalan tersebut, silahkan kalian lanjutkan ke kegiatan belajar berikut dan ikuti petunjuk yang ada dalam UKB ini.

Kalian sudah siappp ???

Ayo…… ikuti kegiatan belajar berikut dengan penuh kesabaran dan penuh konsentrasi  ya !!!

  Kegiatan Belajar 1                      

Task 1

Read this following story.

Harry Potter and Philosopher’s Stones

Judged by this first volume, the Harry Potter books are a fine addition to English children’s fantasy literature. Harry Potter, orphaned when his parents are killed by the evil wizard Voldemort, is taken in by his aunt and uncle, who are Muggles – ordinary, non-magical people. Harry is rather out of place there, but things improve greatly for him when goes to the Hogwarts School of  Witchcraft and Wizardry – except that one of  the staff is in league with Voldemort.

Part of  the attention of  Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone comes from the familiar but at the same time exotic setting of  an English public school, complete with houses and schoolboy adventures, in which Harry and his friends Ron and Hermione struggle to save the world and win the house cup.

So Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone will be a great Christmas present for kids who haven’t read it yet – and it is a book that adults (at least those without stunted imaginations) can read as well.

                                                                        A book review by Danny Yee @ 2000



Done? Now, start doing task 2.

Task 2

Study the explanation below.

–  Definition / Social Function :

The type ofgenre aimed at reviewing the work in the form of movies, books, and other object to determine the quality, advantages and disadvantages that the workwas intended for the reader or listener public.

– The Social Function :

To critique the event or artwork to your reader or listener the public, such as movies, shows, books, etc..

– The Generic structure of Descriptive Text ;

1. Orientation, place of the work in its general or particular context, often by compare it wit others

of it kind.

2. Interpretative Recount, summarize the plot and/or provides an account of how the reviewed

 rendition of the workcame into being.

3. Evaluation, provides an evaluation of the work.

4. Evaluative Summation or conclusions, sum up the reviewer’s opinion of thee art event as a whole.

- Language use in the Descriptive Text ;

1. Using the present tense.

2. Many use the adjective (the word carpenter) like, bad, good, valuable, etc..

3. Frequent use of long clause (clause length) and complex.

Have you done? Now, Start doing task 3.

Ayoo Berlatih

Setelah kalian memahami materi pada Task 2 melalui  literasi, pengamatan dan diskusi dengan teman-teman, cobalah berlatih soal-soal berikut ini ya...

Task 3

Read the text in the task 1 again and circle the correct answer. (True/False)

1. Part of  the attention of  Harry the movvie comes from the same time setting of  an English public places. (T/F)

2. Harry Potter books is one of  English children’s fantasy literature. (T/F)

3. Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone is great for someone who has stunted imaginations. (T/F)

4. Hari potter parents are killed by the evil wizard Voldemort, (T/F)

5. Harry potter is not an orphaned. (T/F)

Have you done? Start doing task 4.

Task 4

Give your review about these movie below.Write your opinion in the table.





Have you done? Now, you vcan start doing the next task.

Task 5

Read the film review below.  Does the writer answer all these questions? YES or NO.


What is the title of the film?



What genre is it?



What is it about?



Is it based on a book?



Where is the film set?



When is the film set?



Who stars in the film?



Who plays the main role(s)?



Who is your favourite character in the film? (Why?)



What kind of person would like this film?


Film review

The Theory of Everything

Biographical drama, 2014

The Theory of Everything is about the scientist Stephen Hawking. The film is based on a book, ‘Travelling to Infinity: My Life with Stephen’ by his wife, Jane Wilde Hawking. The film is set in England and starts in the early 1960s. It tells the story of Hawking’s relationship with Jane, the diagnosis of his motor neuron disease and his success as a physicist. I love the acting in this film. Eddie Redmayne stars as Hawking and Felicity Jones plays the role of Jane. My favourite character is Stephen Hawking because he is very clever and brave. I think this is an ideal film for people who like true stories. It is a bit sad at times but the story is very interesting and there is a lot of action. I give The Theory of Everything ★★★★. Go and watch it soon!


★★★★Really good!

★★★ OK

★★ Bad

★ Terrible!

Task 6

 Read the following text to answer questions number 1 to 5.


Meg Cabot

Harper Collins

Young Adult

ISBN: 0380814021

304 pages

As the hilariously funny tale called The Princess Diaries begins, Mia Thermopolis is just a regular high school freshman at Albert Einstein High School. Well, as regular as you can be when you live in a loft in downtown New York with your flighty artist Mom. And as regular as you can be when your best friend is Lilly, a punky and spunky militant who produces her ownTV show.

As readers can guess from the  title, this book takes the form of a diary, written by Mia. Over the pan of a month, she relates her daily woes and embarrassments in heart breaking detail. As with most teenaged girls, Mia thinks she is hopeless, looks-wise. She's tall --- 5’9" --- and klutzy, and not so gifted in the chest department.

Then there is school. One of Mia’s biggest problems is the fact she is flunking Algebra and, to make matters worse, her Mom has begun dating her teacher. Gross.

In the boy department, the cutest one in school has the locker next to hers, but doesn't even know Mia exists, even as his snooty girlfriend Lana, a popular cheerleader, torments her. And to top it off, Mia is developing some sort of weird crush on Michael, Lilly’s computer nerd brother.

Then one day, Mia finds out she is a princess. Okay, I know that doesn’t sound bad to most girls, but Mia hates the idea instantly. How does this fairy tale come true? Her father is ruler of the principality of Genovia and since Mia is his only child, she is next in line to the throne. Her dad sends in the big guns to convince Mia that being a princess is what she is meant to do: her formidable grandmother comes to New York to give Mia "Princess Lessons". And as the word spreads around Albert Einstein High School that Mia is royalty, her life just gets more crazy.

The ending of The Princess Diaries is a twisty one and will leave you jonesing for more stories of Mia and the rest of her friends.

Reviewed by Jennifer Abbots

1. Who wrote The Princess Diaries?

     A. Mia Thermapolis

     B. Jennifer Abbots

     C. Meg Cabot

     D. Albert Einstein

     E. Lilly 

2. What is the communicative purpose of the text above?

     A. To criticise an art work, event for a public audience

     B. To entertain and to deal with actual in different ways

     C. To describe the story of the princes diaries

     D. To present (at least) many different aspects of an issue

     E. To explain the processes involved in the formation of sosiocultural phenomena

3. Which one is true based on the text above?

     A. The Princess Diaries was written by Jennifer Abbots

     B. Mia was a student in  Albert Einstein High School

     C. The Ending of The Princess Diaries is amazing

     D. Mia was avoided by her friends

     E. The princess Diaries is the title of  movie

4. "Her father is ruler of the principality of Genovia ..." paragraph (5) The underlined word refers to ....

     A. Lilly

     B. Lana

     C. Mia

     D. Mia's teacher

     E. Mia's mom

5. Who is the reviewer of the novel?

     A. Meg Cabot

     B. Albert Einstein

     C. Mia Thermopolis

     D. Jennifer Abbots

     E. Michael

Read the following text to answer questions number 6 to 10.


Captain Phillips is an upcoming 2013 American biographical action thriller film directed by Paul Greengrass based upon the book, A Captain's Duty: Somali Pirates, Navy SEALs, and Dangerous days at Sea, by Richard Phillips with Stephan Tatty, and starring Tom Hanks. It is produced by Scott Rudin, Dana Brunetti, and Michael De Luca. The film tells a biopic of merchant mariner Captain Richard Phillips, who was taken hostage for several days by Somali Pirates when the container ship Maersk Alabama which sailed from southern Oman drown along the coast of Somalia and then to Kenya was hijacked in 2009.

Captain Richard Phillips (Tom Hanks), a veteran merchant mariner, still lives in his native New England, and he's a plainspoken family man full of anxiety about the economically bleak new world his kids are facing. When his wife (Chaterine Keener) drops him off at the airport, we can see reverse her. The film then cuts to Somalia, a land of dust and poverty, where the pirates are recruited for their mission as if they were migrant farm workers lining up to be chosen for that day's labor. Greengrass doesn't have to fill in much about the violent, chaotic breakdown of Somalia to let us know that these men have little choice.

The film does not generate quite the same level of excruciating suspense as some of Greengrass' previous triumphs, but it nonetheless holds us hostage as it proceeds. As for the four Somali immigrants, they are remarkably effective in their first professional acting gigs.

6. What is the communicative purpose of the text above ....

     A. To criticise about film Captain Phillips

     B. To entertaint about film Captain Phillips

     C. To give information about film Captain Phillips

     D. To describe about film Captain Phillipss

     E. To explain about film Captain Phillips 

7. The text is a review of a ....

     A. Song

     B. Book

     C. Novel

     D. Painting

     E. Movie

8. According to the text, Captain Phillips ....

     A. Traveled from Somalia to Kenya to find a ship

     B. Hijacked a container ship

     C. Hijacked many ships in Somalia

     D. Was a hostage by Somalia pirates

     E. Was a sailor in Southern Oman

9. From paragraph two, we can see that Captain Phillips was .... about his kids.

     A. Pleased

     B. Happy

     C. Doubt

     D. Worried

     E. Afraid

10. "level of excruciating suspense as some ...." (paragraph 3) synonym of the underlined word is ....

     A. Certainty

     B. Tension

     C. Rejoice

     D. Peace

     E. Attractive

Done? Start doing task 7.

Task 9

Write your own review text.

Book’s Identity

Title            :

Writer        :

Genre         :




Task 10


The following passage is for questions 1 to 3.

2012 Film

2012 is Roland Emmerich's film which uses the Mayan calendar and other endof-days prophecies for their doomsday scenario. It images the world coming to an end in 2012.

2012 film brings off a series of wonders. The movie hits its peak early on. It starts when Cussack drives a limo through the streets of Los Angeles as freeways and skyscrapers crumble all round him from the shock of a 10.5 R.S. earthquake. The preposterous flying sequence is equally thrilling. The climax occurs aboard the giant ark, when an equipment malfunction threatens almost the entire mission.

Unfortunately, the crucial sequence is not filmed or edited with the necessary clarity. In 2012 film, Emmerich leaves us confused as to exactly what is happening to whom. However, Emmerich' 2012 deserves credit for casting Cussack.

McCarthy has perhaps his best role ever as Peet's cocky. Danny Glover lends dignity to the role of the president. Chiwetel Ejiofor, as the chief scientist, brings a moving sense of anguish to a stock role. Piatt has fun playing the villain of the piece, and Woody Harrelson also chews the scenery as a bugeyed radio prophet trying to warm his listeners about Armagedon.

All in one, 2012's cinematography, production design and visual effects are awards-worthy. Music also propels the movie. It presents American Idol runner-up. Adam Lambert, who provides a rousing anthem over the end credits.

1. The film 2012 comes to the climax when ....

A. the skyscrapers were crumbling

B. the entire mission was threatened

C. a shocking 10.5 R.S. earthquake happened

D. the preposterous flying sequence is equally thrilling

E. an equipment malfunction threatens the mission

2. The Maya calendar predicts that ....

A. the doomsday will happen in 2072

B. Roland Emmerich will make a 2012 film

C. the end of the day will happen in Los Angeles

D. a 10.5 RS earthquake will happen in Los Angeles only

E. the giant ark will save some people from the earthquake

3. Based on the text, we know that ....

A. Cussack plays a character in 2012 film.

B. 2012 film is based on Cussack's true experience.

C. a series of wonders happened in the Mayan calendar.

D. Adam Lambert stars 2012 movie.

E. in this film, doomsday happens before 10.5 R.S. earthquake occurs.

This series is based on a true story of a girl named Aya Kito who was stricken by a cruel disease called Spinocerebellar Degeneration. This disease affects Aya’s nervous system and as the name’s suggest, it poses a degeneration of her movement, and will eventually affect her mobility, speech and even her ability to eat. The theme of this series is very depressing but the overall tone is very heartwarming. Aya Kite’s diary was made into a best-selling book and the series follows her sufferings as she struggles to find hope, strength and courage to face such a devastating disease.

4. What is the most suitable title for the text?

a.       The Spinocerebellar Degeneration              

b.      The legend of Aya Kito                              

c.       Aya Kito’s suffering

d.   The tear jerking scene

e.   Aya Kito’s true story

5.             Which of the following statement is NOT TRUE according to the text?

a.       The story was based on Aya’s letters        

 b.      The story was based on a true story            

c.       The disease is devastating

d.       The diary was bestseller

e.       Aya was a strong girl

Text 2 for question 6 to 8

            Since the first production of “Private Lives” in 1930, with the theatre’s two leading sophisticates Noel Coward and Gertrude Lawrence in the leads, the play as tended to be chosen as a vehicle for starts.

            QUT Academy of the Arts’ production boasted no ‘stars’, but certainly fielded potential stars in a sparkling performance that brought out just how fine a piece of craftsmanship Coward’s play is. More than 60 years later, what new could be deduced from so familiar a theme? Director Rod Wissler’s highly perceptive approach went beyond the glittery surface of Witty banter to the darker implications beneath.

            With the shifting of attitudes to social values, it became clear that Victor and Sibly were potentially the more admirable of the couples, with standards better adjusted than the volatile and self-indulgent Elyot and Amanda.

            The wit was there, dexterously ping-ponged to and fro by a vibrant Amanda (Catherine Jones) and a suave Elyot (Daniel Kealy). Julie Eckersley’s Sibly was a delightful creation, and Phillip Cameron-Smith’s more serious playing was just right for Victor. Jodie Levesconte was a superb French maid, James Maclean’s set captured the thirties atmosphere with many subtle touches.

            All involved deserve the highest praise.

6.            According to the passage, “Private Live” brought out a sparkling performance of the stars because of the great work of ….

a.      QUT Academy of the Arts

b.      Director Rod Wissler

c.       Victor and Sibly

d.      Catherine Jones and Daniel Kealy

e.       Noel Coward and Gertrude Lawrence

7.            Who did act as couples for Victor and Sibly in the “Private Live”?

a.       Noel Coward and Gertrude Lawrence

b.      Phillip Cameron Smith and Julie Eckersley

c.       Catherine Jones and Daniel Kealy

d.      Jodie Lavesconte and James Maclean

e.       Rod Wissler and Noel Coward

8.  “All involved deserve the highest praise”. (the last paragraph)  The closest word in meaning to the underlined word is ….

a.   Earn                                      c. honour                                 e.  bright

b.      Energetic                           d. charming

  Undead, Unwed, and I also wish I could say unread! Okay so here I think I have finally sunk to the bottom of the barrel to try to catch up and complete my challenge. I do have a bit of a thing for vampire novels! And that said I bought three different first in the series, to see if it would help me catch up and bring me back to target.

Seriously, this was one of the trashiest novels I have ever read! It was OK and fun, but I feel like a complete fraud and fake adding this to the list of books I’ve read this year! But I did nevertheless read it! So it’s going to be added.

Maybe one day when I’ve forgotten how bad this book was and just how trashy, I’ll read a few more in the series! But seriously guys I wouldn’t recommend it!

9.    The text mainly tells about….

a vampire novel

a very bad novel

an opinion on a novel

a review on Undead and Unwed

a review on Undead and Unwed movie

10. The second paragraph mainly told….

the writer bought three novel

the writer fond of vampire novel

the writer thought the novel was very bad

the writer thought the novel was fun and OK

the writer didn’t recommend the readers read it

11.    The Undead an Unwed is….

an horror novel

an romantic novel

very interesting novel

not a sequence novel

made into the movie

12.    Which of the following statement does not represent the writer’s opinion?

The novel is very trashy.

It really good and interesting novel.

I will not add this novel to my book list.

Don’t read this novel or you will be upset.

I do really want to forget this bad novel soon.

13.    The following statement is not true….

the writer liked vampire novel very much

the writer bought three novel in series

the writer finished reading the novel

the writer could satisfy his target

the novel is not interesting

14. In general, the writer….

suggested the readers to buy the novel

recommended the readers to read the novel

didn’t recommend the readers to read the novel

didn’t recommend the readers to review the novel

suggested to collect the first three different series

15. But seriously guys I wouldn’t recomended it! ( paragraph 3 )

The sentence means….

the reader shouldn’t recommend him to be seriously

the writer didn’t oppose the idea of the novel

the writer recommended to read the novel

the writer recommended to read seriously

the writer didn’t suggest to read the novel


b.             Penutup

Bagaimana kalian sekarang?

Setelah kalian belajar bertahap dan berlanjut melalui kegiatan belajar 1, 2 dan 3, berikut diberikan Tabel untuk mengukur diri kalian terhadap materi yang sudah kalian pelajari. Jawablah sejujurnya terkait dengan penguasaan materi pada UKB ini di Tabel berikut.


Tabel Refleksi Diri Pemahaman Materi






Apakah kalian telah memahmi pengertian teks review ?


Apakah kalian telah memahmi unsure bahasa teks review?


Apakah kalian bisa mengidentifikasi unsure teks review ?


Dapatkah kalian menulis teks review


Dapatkah kalian mereview film/ buku secara lisan?

Jika menjawab “TIDAK” pada salah satu pertanyaan di atas, maka pelajarilah kembali materi tersebut dalam Buku Teks Pelajaran (BTP) dan pelajari ulang kegiatan belajar 1, 2 dan 3 yang sekiranya perlu kalian ulang dengan bimbingan Guru atau teman sejawat. Jangan putus asa untuk mengulang lagi!.  Dan apabila kalian menjawab “YA” pada semua pertanyaan, maka lanjutkan berikut.

Dimana posisimu?

Ukurlah diri kalian dalam menguasai materi pelaku ekonmi dalam kegiatan ekonomi dalam rentang 0 – 100, tuliskan ke dalam kotak yang tersedia.


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review text

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